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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
2 months ago
Murky, deep dark brown beer hosts rich carbonation that builds a superfluffy, latte-hued head that climbs easily two fingers high. The retention seems to be long-lived. The foamy hat shrinks over time but is sustained as surprisingly thick for a long time. A dark malty scent. Sweet-leaning. I can pick sweet dark malt, syrup, molasses, a suggestion of prune and unbeatable oak barrel notes. Promising for sure. The tongue enjoys hefty medium-sweet dark malt, part of which is clearly roasted, plus a good dollop of syrup, molasses, a little injection of cacao nibs and, indeed, ample oak barrel nuances. Alcohol is just on the edge, it remains below the level of disturbance but just barely. Works okay with a late lunch in the summer but I can assume that this could be even better as a slow sipper in the winter. The body is full. The end is syrupy and dark malty, no detectable change from upfront. I don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman; all I wanna do is ride my tricycle, tricycle, tricycle. The mouthfeel is full, lip-glueing, slightly sticky and interestingly Belgiany. It's intense, deep and barrel aged. A solid quad.

Post author: Benoit S
Benoit S
3 months ago
Excellente triple classique mais efficace