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Himawari Microbrewery
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Himawari Microbrewery

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
One (last) for the road at this place. This is an interesting brew since this is a cask ale. I didn't expect to find a cask ale here. Brewed for the Queen of England's platinum jubilee. Fills the glass as semifoggy, deep gold. A fluffy, somewhat soapy head emerges on the top. It surely descends but the retention is still quite lengthy. A malty proposal reaches the nose. Maybe also a whisper of cracker and even biscuit can be spotted. Quite lackluster anyway. I'm hoping that the gustatory provision would raise this to the next level. But no... 😞 A bit of malt, light-grassy hops, a proposal of pine resin and a pinch of grapefruit peel seasons the gustatory experience. Do I also receive a marginal buttery hint? The body is thin. The finish disappears fairly fast from the mouth, with light-crisp sidesteps. Bitter malty, yes. The mouthfeel is thin to light, moderately crisp, somewhat flat which goes fine with a cask ale, but also too characterless. Queen would have deserved more kick. +0.3 stars extra for cask conditioning.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
Flight 5/5. Cloudy, coca-cola-hued beer. Short retention pulls down the head quickly. Bitter coffee beans, remote licorice and a whisper of raw cacao pods enter airborne into my consciousness. Maybe it's the coffeeish vibe that takes the lead here. Yeah, it is. Bitter coffee, hopped black malt, a pick of licorice, truly distant raw chocolate and... interestingly... a sigh of blackcurrant bough play around in the taste sector. This is supposed to be a Stout, and –ok – it has something in common with Baltic Porters. But it also portrays something Black IPA like characteristics. Well, whatever. The body clocks light. For a Stout with 6.5 %, it's clearly substandard. Actually hard to believe the ABV would be that. Licorice, bitter coffee and raw cacao can be listed also in the end. Weak, of course. The mouthfeel is rather light but not thin, smooth, marginally dry and slightly drying. In addition, I find lip-glueing and tangy sensations but moderately only. Best of all five but still no triumph.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
Flight 4/5. Relatively lucid, copper beer. The longest retention of these five. A creamy lacing is guaranteed on the surface. Neither does this brew offer any bolder nuances in the air... Suggestions of bitter caramel, bread and tea. Not convincing. The palate gives bolder bitter flavors than what the timid scent indicates. I'm getting caramel malt, slightly bitter of course, faint toffee, distinct dried apricot and fortunately nothing that would resemble tea. The body is normal light. What else? The tail leans a bit more on bitter flavors but, basically, no real difference is there. A bitter dry-hoppy note lingers alone on the taste receptors for substantially long. Achievement, I guess. The mouthfeel is light, medium-crisp, ripe and faintly lip-glueing. Goes down but that's it.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
Flight 3/5. This beer colors translucent, amber. The foamy lid is messy, leaves downpouring traces all over the glass. Medium retention. This beer suffers from a numb scent. I try to get at least a pinch of malt but, to be honest, I fail. Nothing. The gustatory profile shows moderate bitter caramel in the form of malt. Some citrus, as well, most likely grapefruit peel. A distant crackery hint lands finally on my tastebuds. The body is light, no surprise. The end is bitter malty and hoppy, both in diminution, and very short-lived. Cheers and goodbye. The mouthfeel is light minus, modestly crisp, still relatively quaffable. I could call this 'clean', too, as I pick no off-flavors here.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
Flight 2/5. Clear, pale gold beer. The head is off-white and looks thick. Retention is long. The fragrance is a bit odd: fruity, somewhat berry-like, floral and slightly perfumy. To be more precise, I pick peach, rosehip, yasmin and a drop of perfume. The floral segment wants to push itself to the limelight on the tongue. Grapefruit peel and lemon pith can certainty be spotted. A remote perfumy tang still disturbs me. The body is light. The finish retains the bitter side but loses its fruity elements. The mouthfeel is light, floral, faintly synthetic, crisp and also a tad sharp. Not my favorite.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
Alright, here we go! Craft beer in Phnom Penh 🇰🇭🍻 Flight 1/5. Pours semihazy straw. A tiny-bubbled white head forms on the surface. Retention is medium-long. The scent is damn shy: I pick only faint lemon zest and pineapple. Well, the gustatory identity is almost as introvert as the fragrance. Bitter dry hops are there, accompanied by lemon peel and pith, grapefruit peel and spruce needles. The body is unfortunately weak. I'm not really surprised... The finish doesn't deviate from upfront, equally bitter and coniferous elements follow behind. The mouthfeel is thin, crisp, somewhat tangy, pithy and a tad refreshing. Clean for sure, I don't find any flaws here.

Post author: Koval113
@ Himawari Microbrewery
7 years ago
Oatmeal stout. Proper. Heavy as expected, nice dark colour. Brown head, not long lasting. Little aroma of caramel. In taste mild with oatmeal finish. Low bitterness.

Post author: Koval113
@ Himawari Microbrewery
7 years ago
Expected more hoppy beer. Nice dark yellow colour, small dark white head. Short finish. Bitter.

Post author: EJVIND E.
@ Himawari Microbrewery
8 years ago
Tämäkään ei oikein lähde, maku jäi hyvin hennoksi.

Post author: EJVIND E.
@ Himawari Microbrewery
8 years ago
Tämä stout jäi vähän litkuksi. Pientä happaman ja makean sekoitusta oli huomattavissa mutta maku ei säväyttänyt.