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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Himawari Microbrewery
2 years ago
OatS, Cambodia
Flight 5/5. Cloudy, coca-cola-hued beer. Short retention pulls down the head quickly. Bitter coffee beans, remote licorice and a whisper of raw cacao pods enter airborne into my consciousness. Maybe it's the coffeeish vibe that takes the lead here. Yeah, it is. Bitter coffee, hopped black malt, a pick of licorice, truly distant raw chocolate and... interestingly... a sigh of blackcurrant bough play around in the taste sector. This is supposed to be a Stout, and –ok – it has something in common with Baltic Porters. But it also portrays something Black IPA like characteristics. Well, whatever. The body clocks light. For a Stout with 6.5 %, it's clearly substandard. Actually hard to believe the ABV would be that. Licorice, bitter coffee and raw cacao can be listed also in the end. Weak, of course. The mouthfeel is rather light but not thin, smooth, marginally dry and slightly drying. In addition, I find lip-glueing and tangy sensations but moderately only. Best of all five but still no triumph.

Post author: Koval113
@ Himawari Microbrewery
7 years ago
OatS, Cambodia
Oatmeal stout. Proper. Heavy as expected, nice dark colour. Brown head, not long lasting. Little aroma of caramel. In taste mild with oatmeal finish. Low bitterness.

Post author: EJVIND E.
@ Himawari Microbrewery
8 years ago
OatS, Cambodia
Tämä stout jäi vähän litkuksi. Pientä happaman ja makean sekoitusta oli huomattavissa mutta maku ei säväyttänyt.