9180 ratings
Ayinger Privatbrauerei
Aying, Germany
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The deep roots in our region, continuously deepened over generations, form the nutrient base of the Ayinger Brewery. The quality of our beer, consistently awarded numerous prizes for its excellence, is consequently not just based on the select ingredients of our region and the capacities of our brewing art. Equally important is the spirit, the mindset, the very values with which we have performed our craft for over 130 years.
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Atte I
5 days ago
Samea, likaisen kelta-ruskea väriltään. Tuoksussa todella tuhti banaani. Maultaan erittäin herkullinen. Banaania, hunajaa, toffeeta, häivähdys kanelia jälkimaussa. Kuitenkin pehmeä vehnämallas pääsee koko ajan oikeuksiinsa. Kaikin puolin täydellinen olut.
Koivumäki H
@ Prisma Kaleva Tampere5 days ago