18 arviota
Fonta Flora Brewery
Morganton, United States
Onko tämä sinun panimo?
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Mr X
@ Rollers Wine & Spirits Palmetto Bay Road3 years ago
Has a bready, dark bread in particular, malty taste that is also very lightly nutty with hints of chocolate. Medium bodied
Now this is a brown ale that is brewed with local chestnuts. (Brewed in NC). I was expecting a decent level of a chestnut taste. Unfortunately, it is nutty but barely and it isn’t even particularly chestnut like.
Overall I rated fairly high as it does have a good taste. When it comes to the chestnuts aspect it could use a bit more oomph.
@ Mikkeller Webshop5 years ago
Lyhytkestoinen vaahto. Tuoksussa pehmeää paahtomallasta, kahvia ja aavistus merellisyyttä. Maku on myös pehmeän paahteinen, kahvi ja suklaata. Jälkimaku kääntyy hieman kitkeräksi ja suola tulee esiin.
5 years ago
Tapio S
@ MBCC '196 years ago