2 ratings
Angry Hanks Micro Brewery
Billings, United States
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@ Angry Hank's4 years ago
While in Billings Montana had to have a stop at Angry Hank's Brewery. One more for the road.
Total black color. Roasted espresso coffee with mild bitterness. Rich finish of roasted coffee.

@ Angry Hank's4 years ago
Trying out a really nice brewery/restaurant in Billings Montana. Beautiful facility and great atmosphere. This place is really packed. I've been told this Irish Red is their best beer.
Deep orangish red amber color. Sweet aroma. More body and texture than I was expecting, still has a crispness to it. Lightly sweet amber flavor, small amount of toasted biscuit and faint notes of caramel. Finish brings a light breath of roasted malt. No bitterness from start to finish.
I understand why this one is so popular. You could drink this beer all day. Perfect ending to my Montana beers.