36 arviota
Palmetto Brewing Co
Charleston, United States
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David D
@ 42 Craft Beverage10 months ago
First taste I was like, Wow. Tastes just like a cookie, but it quickly became too much and I lost interest. If 8 want a cookie then I'll eat a cookie.
Mr X
3 years ago
This is a salted lime lager. Has a medium salt with almost medium lime taste. Surprisingly not overwhelming with a good amount of both for the style. A good lighter beer for a hot day. Don’t know if I’d drink a lot but would drink a few easily.
Mr X
3 years ago
This has a strong mango taste with a nice hoppy bite to go with it. The mango hits you up front but the hoppy side takes over in the aftertaste
It’s pretty nice overall. I like that the fruit doesn’t kill it and that you get a true IPA side to it. Most other mango IPA’s just go fruity. Grabbed at Walmart down here (not listing that as a place).
Mr X
3 years ago
Has some toasted caramel/toffee that is a bit sweet. Has some light nuttiness to it. Very malty overall.
Mr X
3 years ago
On vacation and on my way grabbed a 6 pack of this somewhat local. Has a medium caramel malt taste. Has a medium+ hoppy bite to it.
Overall it’s really nice and only cost me $12 at a gas station on my way here.
@ One Hot Mama's3 years ago
Smooth, not bitter at all. And a subtle taste of espresso!!
@ Charleston beer works3 years ago