12 Bewertungen
Reids Gold Brewing Company Limited
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no Arikato
@ Brewdog Tallinn1 year ago
mukavan hedelmäinen ja ei liian vehnä, banaanin ja aprikoosin sekoitus maistuu sopivasti.
Kenny Rodger
2 years ago
Kenny Rodger
3 years ago
Nice stout with a banana undertaste which is surprisingly nice
James Š
@ BrewDog Bristol3 years ago
Had to give this a try cos I loves a Doppelbock. Big ass malty lager, what’s not to love?!
Well, this blew me a way. Smells of strong brewed tea, loads of tannins. Taste is exceptional. Complex malt character of caramel, bread and biscuit are complimented by a light smoke addition and some bizarre fruitiness that works so well. Original I thought it was classic beachwood smoked malt but actually it could be cherrywood. In fact it has to be, where’s the fruit coming from?!
Great heer from an unknown brewery.