7829 notes
Brasserie Dupont
Leuze-en-Hainaut, Belgium
Founded in 1950, Brasserie Dupont is on a working farm which dates back to 1759 and has significant brewing history. In the 1990s, a bread bakery and cheese-making facility were added.
Historically, their best-selling beer was the Moinette Blonde. However, the popularization of the Saison Dupont by their American importer in the 1980s led to great international popularity for this beer, which provides a link to the historic farmhouse ales of the region.
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@ Alko Prisma Joensuu2 days ago
Sameankeltainen olut korkealla ja pitkäkestoisella vaahdolla.
Tuoksussa belgihiivaa ja kukkaisuutta.
Suutuntuma hiilihappoinen ja kuivahko.
Maussa belgihiivaa ja aavistus sitruksisuutta. Humalointi vahva, mutta tasapainoinen.
Omaan makuun sopiva saison joulusaunan päälle 🍻
4 days ago