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Anthology 10.0%, Signature Brew, England
6 notes
10.0% Imperial Stout
This rich, dark beer is a time capsule of the brewery's journey through a challenging but heartening 12 months. From hosting 35 sold out shows, to brewing 23 new beers with the likes of Sports Team, The Darkness, Dynamite MC & DRS, we're incredibly proud of how we pulled together as a team.


Post author: James Š
James Š
@ Signature Brew Blackhorse Road
2 months ago
Anthology, England
The barrel aged version of one I drank a few weeks ago. The chocolate and caramel are subdued and replaced with an oaky boozy warming goodness. Really enjoyed this!

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ Signature Brew Blackhorse Road
3 months ago
Anthology, England
Nice easy drinking imperial stout. Chocolate and caramel stand out with hints of coffee in the background. Plenty of body, without being too thick, just right. Midweek sipper

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ James' House
4 years ago
Anthology, England
This has the right amount of everything and would stand up well to ageing. Not too sweet, a bit boozy, complex malts profile. Lovely jubbly!

Post author: GT
5 years ago

Post author: Amppu
6 years ago
Anthology, England
Brittien mailta tilattua. Niukkavaahtoinen. Sysimusta ja paksu olut. Tuoksussa tummaa pistävä suklaata ja kermaista pehmeyttä. Maku on pehmeä ja tummasuklainen. Kylmän kahvinen. Lopussa löytyy vähän pistävää katkeruutta, ei tarvisi olla ihan niin terävä. Toisaalta se saa ottamaan uutta hörppyä. Alkoholia tästä ei löydy. Happoisuus on aika runsasta. BB 27/11/23. Kellarointi saattaisi taittaa terävyyttä ja pistävyyttä. Kaikesta huolimatta kevyehkö perushyvä stout.

Post author: King Goblin
King Goblin
6 years ago