Crann Beatha 10.0%, Brehon Brewhouse, Ireland
21 ratings
Crann Beatha
10.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
7 months ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland
Wax on the lid, I still can't make my mind up on this. It looks refined and usually is the mark of a superior product, but is quite the headache to remove it and open the beer! Poured well, giving the expectant jet black body with two fingers of robust brown foam, which retained well for a while but then rapidly diminished to just a trace amount. The scent is immediate whiskey softened by brown sugar. Some mollasus and dried fruits shines through and a nice vanilla finishes. The feeling in the mouth is mild. Medium bodied, I expected a thicker, heavier body from the details on the bottle. There is an initial bite from the carbonation and this carries well throughout as the warmth rolls over the mouth. There is a foamy finish and an oily coating left in the mouth. Taste begins as a reverse of the scent with the sweetness of the brown sugar upfront before the whiskey arrives to contrast it and ultimately overwhelm it. The whiskey continues to dominate as the dried fruit and mollasus fade in and out. Vanilla enters the chat again but is accompanied now by a dry espresso finish, which in turn is dominated by the whiskey. A great barrel aged stout but for me the whiskey too heavily dominates, rather than compliments the rest of the flavour profile.

Post author: André R
André R
1 year ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland

Post author: Mitchouille
2 years ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland

Post author: Christian K
Christian K
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD
2 years ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland
« Farming is all about nature in balance. That's why ‘An Crann Beatha’ or the ‘tree of life’ means so much to us here at Brehon. Gaelic folklore tells us that to cut down a lone tree is considered very unlucky, as it breaks the link between the past and the present. Its roots reach into the spirit world, connecting us to the past generations who worked the land, whilst the branches stretch towards heaven, just as new growth keeps a family alive. Everything in balance. » Sláinte! Seamus McMahon Brewer, Farmer, Drinker

Post author: jfploteau
2 years ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland
Une excellente surprise, alors que les stouts, ce n'est pas mon truc. Très parfumée, chocolat, café, officiellement très forte, sans qu'on sente réellement ce degré alcoolique. A reboire.

Post author: Crine
2 years ago

Post author: Greggy
3 years ago

Post author: Kuksaho
4 years ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland
Musta tummavaahtoinen suodattamaton ohramallas. Hyvä tuoksu. Whiskey ei suoranaisesti maistu, ehkä aavistus jälkimaussa. Hiukan paahdettu suklainen ja vaniljainen. Korkki vahattu Vanha Beatha.

Post author: V1lle
4 years ago
Crann Beatha, Ireland
Sysimusta juoma pullosta ulos asiaankuuluvalla kauniilla vaahdolla. Maussa tumman suklaan paahteisuus. Voima ja viskin vivahde vaanii heikkona jälkimaussa. Erinomainen nautiskelujuoma

Post author: King Goblin
King Goblin
@ Rad
4 years ago