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Pilgrim's Dole 12.0%, New Holland Brewing Company, United States
11 ratings
Pilgrim's Dole
12.0% Wheat Wine
Pilgrim’s Dole is a barleywine-style ale made with fifty percent wheat malt, or what we at New Holland call a wheatwine. Pilgrim’s Dole blends warming and slightly sweet flavors with a unique caramelized character. It would be an excellent accent to nutty dishes, fruit crisps or creme brulee. During the 14th century, the term “Pilgrim’s Dole” described the rations of bread and ale given to nourish wayfarers on their holy pilgrimage. At New Holland, Pilgrim’s Dole is brewed for the cultural explorer of today. It is a rewarding discovery on the road to enlightenment. Whether in a snifter or from your rucksack, Pilgrim’s Dole will enhance any experience and is certain to incite wanderlust and to fuel adventure. It is a barleywine-style ale made with fifty percent wheat malt, or what we at New Holland call wheatwine. Pilgrim’s Dole blends warming and slightly sweet flavors with a unique caramelized character. This ale is aged in Bourbon barrels.


Post author: Rompsa
3 years ago
Ei oo mun juttu . Aika hirvee .

Post author: Jorge Calvorotas
Jorge Calvorotas
3 years ago

Post author: oz
4 years ago

Post author: USER31759
4 years ago

Post author: Bezdomnyi
@ BrewDog Webshop
5 years ago
Testaa kun on jyty tuoksu. Bergamottia, portviinia, sherryä, reilun makea Väri kaunis punaruskea, mutta reilun rakeinen. Hiiva laskeutuu hitaasti vaaleana pohjalle. Makukin on öykeä, voimakas. Ihan kuin jo eka huikka vähän humahtaisi päähän. Melkoinen mallaspuuro, paksu, soseinen ja öljyinen. Makumaailma uuniomenaa, portviinia ja kinuskia. Makea, karamellinen, sokerisen mantelinen, mutta yllättävän soljuva. Jälkimaussa kevyt salmiakkijauheisuus. Ei tämä huono ole. Alkumaun jälkeen jopa positiivinen yllätys. Kuitenkin melkoisen makea liemi. Alkoi kummasti putoamaan paremmin, kun sain mausteisen ruuan rinnalle. Melkoinen tuotos, omassa sarjassaan ihan ok, tosi siirappinen ja ei näitä nyt montaa jois. Suosituksissa etiketissä creme brule, sen kyljessä menisi. Selkeä jälkiruokajuoma. Tulisi tarjoilla deseinä, ei pullona.

Post author: Sirdubby
6 years ago
Been a while since I had this one. Caramel and bourbon in the aroma. Taste has huge caramel up front, followed by a mellow, yet flavorful, bourbon. Not a style I'm a huge fan of, but this is a tasty beer. Glad I tried it again. I may grab one yearly. 4/5

Post author: Untamoks
6 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
7 years ago
A very solid 3.75 for me, but I'm gonna aim low on this one. It's good, but I don't really want another. Not really into the style, I suppose

Post author: Mike D
Mike D
8 years ago