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Transatlantique Kriek (Lips of Faith) 8.0%, New Belgium Brewing Company, United States
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Transatlantique Kriek (Lips of Faith)
8.0% Lambic - Fruited
In a never-ending quest to create new beers and defy category, New Belgium Brewing and Old Beersel of Belgium have partnered to create Transatlantique Kriek , a spontaneously fermented lambic ale made with sour cherries. The 2016 edition of Transatlantique Kriek began life in the oaken vessels of Gert Christiaens' Oud Beersel, a 130-year-old Belgian lambic brewery. After time spent aging in wood, Oud Beersel's lambic was blended with tart cherries and shipped across the Atlantic to New Belgium. In concert with Oud Beersel's cherry lambic, or kriek, we blended in a portion of our own sour Felix from our foeder forest, and created a golden brew to mix in, and round out, the engaging beer. The intense cherry nose leads to a pleasing tart, sweet flash across the palate. Crisp and effervescent, Transatlantique Kriek is a trip worth taking.
IBU : 8
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