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We are fortunate to have great relationships with our growers who provide us with superb fruit for our beers. This year we had the opportunity to purchase fresh marionberries and boysenberries, both close cousins to the blackberry, so we pounced. Behold SLOambic batch two. For this vintage, 2050 lbs. of fresh berries were added to Sour Opal, a beer matured up to 32 months in oak barrels and then fermented using our proprietary blend of microflora for an additional four months. Bursting with ripe berries and brambles, as well as hints of jam, the fruit gives way to funky yeast and firm oak flavors, finishing with a mouth-watering acidity. Dark and brooding, yet bright, we humbly present 2015 SLOambic. A Santé!


Post author: Joakim P
Joakim P
5 years ago

Post author: Henrik
5 years ago