Tipsy Tup 3.8%, Penlon Cottage Brewery, Wales
3 ratings
Tipsy Tup
3.8% Red Ale / Amber Ale
Fresh herbal aroma and an assertive hoppy fruity finish


Post author: Paul P
Paul P
8 years ago
Quite a pleasant session ale from Wales. Pours cloudy and golden. Head and lacing soon disappears. Lasting floral herb aroma. Subtle fruitiness from the hops. Drinking with prawns and chorizo.

Post author: Paul P
Paul P
8 years ago
Quite a pleasant session ale from Wales. Pours cloudy and golden. Head and lacing soon disappears. Lasting floral herb aroma. Subtle fruitiness from the hops. Drinking with prawns and chorizo.

Post author: Sam Williams
Sam Williams
@ Lodge Farm
8 years ago
Tipsy Tup, Wales
Considering its only 3.8% I feels heavy not a lot really to say about this bland not really any taste taste