@ Alko Arkadia6 years ago
Esa M
6 years ago
Olipa maukasta, tätä jos saisi vielä hyllyyn yhden!
6 years ago
Ouh yeah! The real beer deal prake for my on this 24h impression music creating and newer last music impression and beer taste session... is her whit Peppi The Beer Cat of course!
This beer I haw expect along time! It's bi in my beer ^Seller^ mixed up turbo cooler chase! It's fantastic.. Only problem it's empty now.. but eny way this has matured 9montsh uhh!
Poored in da glaas this beer foams 3finger spongy lovely beige foam pillow and take some good time to sedl down. And when it's finally stays top of the beer that lovely leice clouds. And this beer left this lovely rings bihaid I love. Colour of the beer bligidi black like Peppi the beer cat!
Aromas in da air is dark raw and sweat chocolate forest! Uh-ih-oh! Vanilla and wood oaky. Uuh! Lidle herbal and dark bredly. Roasted cofee beans. weedy and red sourberry. Hint of hot chocolate.
I am goin in beer hewen only the ritches of this lovely sweat arim in my nose!
Another sniff!
Then Sweat and lovely vanilla again and sweat and lightly and flexibly caramel whit dark syrup! Ugazaga! Uga ug! Little swest lactose and lidle hint licorisce. Nice! And after end strong and warm whiskey fealing.
First my mouth taste that this is wery seat and ritsh and full of it! Jippi kay jei mother fuckers!
This is the real dael!
Taste is dark raw and sweat chocolate forest whit real forest and wood vnilla oaky.. Arhggggggggg
Sory I drowl every where..
Then the Whisky is there for sure. That warm and oily fealing.. its fit on this like belly needs bellybutton!
Little sour berry. Roasted cofee beans. Hot chocolate. Herbal and weedy.. oooohhh! This beer truly got full of taste!
Sweat and lovely vanilla again, lidle roasted coffee beans and espresso then sweat and lightly and flexibly caramel whit dark syrup!! So fuckin sweat and spectacular!
Finally I taste little sweat mocca and Like swest lactose and lidle hint of tnst licorisce in da end..
Uhhhhhhhhh! A haw really enjoyed this one!
And final taste is sweat mocca latte coffee and lovly strong and warm whiskey fealing.
Nicely strict whiskey bitternes and little mouth dry in alcohol whiskey fealing.
This whole beer had all that what man need when hi want a good imperial stout beer!
Mouth fealing is sweat and oily. So lovly oily that it maky mouth feeling and left little mess at the glass... Sweat oily mother of beer Jesus! Perfect and soft. Medium++/heavy body and Light carbon asid. Lovly whiskey biternes in da end!
Ower all= this bunahabhai casc edition of this imperial stout beer is might bi this? This was wery fucking spectacular! So fuckin stable and full of good lovely flavour!!
Peppi and all music making session brothers agree!!
Remember berry to give love to you love ones and enjoy every minute you can!
Babylon will fall beer after beer!
Peace and 1love to the beers!
Petri K
6 years ago
@ Alko Verkkokauppa7 years ago
Niko O
@ Alko Arkadia7 years ago
Olut on aavistuksen ruskeaan taittuvan mustaa, beigellä ja hyvin ohuella vaahdolla, mutta joka kuitenkin pysyy loppuun asti.
Tuoksu on savuisen viskinen, turpeinen, maltainen, karamellinen, suklainen, luumuinen ja hieman lakritsinen.
Runko on täyteläinen, paksu, öljymäinen, pehmeä ja lähes hiilihapoton.
Maussa on turvetta, makeaa karamellia, savua, paahteista mallasta, suklaata, luumua, rusinaa, aavistus lakritsia ja viskin lämpöä. Jälkimaussa on hieman karamellista makeutta, tummaa suklaata ja savuista turvetta.
Aivan loistava IS. Olen havitellut tätä jo siitä asti, kun näin Alkon sivuilla tämän ensimmäisen kerran ja huomasin, että tätä on kypsytetty Bunnahabhain-tynnyrissä. Suurena Islay viskien ystävänä, oluen mahtava savuisuus ja turpeisuus sopivat makuuni kuin nyrkki silmään.
7 years ago
Viski maistuu sopivasti, ehkä vähän täyteläisempää tavaraa odotin. Kokonaisuutena aivan kelvollinen olut.
@ Alko Arkadia7 years ago
The only place I've seen this for sale is in Alko Arkadia, Helsinki. What could single malt whisky barrell do for imperial stout? No foam. Black beer. Whisky and smoke flavors into the nostrils. First bite is smoky tar and licorice flavors with high abv tasting through. Quite thick feeling in my tongue. A bit too much smoke. But it seems that Ruosniemi brewery knows what and how it brews.
7 years ago
Tuoksu on erittäin viskinen, kahvinen suklainen, pahteisen maltainen. Maku hieman makean suklainen, espressomaisen kahvinen, turpeisen viskinen, tummaa hedelmääkin. Suutuntuma kevyen öljyinen ja matalahiilihappoinen. Aavistuksen verran ohuen oloinen runko, tämä jos olisi paksumpaa/tuhdimpaa niin oltaisiin lähellä täydellisyyttä...
@ Alko Verkkokauppa7 years ago
Oli kyllä taas huippuolut Ruosniemeltä!Turpeisuutta,savua,kahvia,suklaata.Nam!