@ Deli Baker's Lohja25 days ago
One of the remaining Christmas beers. This is an underrated beerstyle: Dark Lager.
Black cola is the color. Transparent. A creamy head emerges on the surface and exceeds two fingers. The retention is short. The retreating foam sprinkles multiple ornaments on the glass.
Dark light-roasted malt, syrup, rye bread and molasses linger in the fragrance. Predictable. The taste offers the same components plus a grassy note. Tequila is obscure but the actual ingredient, blue agave, I can't recognize at all. I like the fact that the level of sweetness is modest. The body is light. The beer finishes unchanged.
The mouthfeel is light, a tad roasty, marginally tangy but also fairly smooth. A decent sample of the beerstyle that seldom offers huge feelings.