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Vienna Lager 5.2%, Natural State Beer Company, United States
1 notes
Vienna Lager
5.2% Amber Lager / Vienna Lager


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Natural State Beer Company
19 days ago
Vienna Lager, United States
Past post from last Sunday. In Arkansas, for a Saturday wedding. Of course, Ryan and I are going to some more breweries. Today's first brewery is Natural State Beer Company. Sharing our first ever flight of 12 beers. So many beers, none are on this website, so they will be excruciatingly short reviews. Damn! Fifth beer on this flight of 12. Not much originality in any of these beer names. Whatever. Beautiful red amber color. Strong roasted malt aroma. Flavor brings out that malt adding a toasted bread. Again finishes with an unwelcome slight bitterness in the background of the finish. Still, it's one of the best I've had since being here but it may be skewed by my disappointment in the others.