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Quadrupel Charente Vatgrijpt 005/2024 Cognac 11.0%, Eggens Craft Beer, Netherlands
1 arviota
Quadrupel Charente Vatgrijpt 005/2024 Cognac
11.0% Abt / Quadrupel


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
2 months ago
Quadrupel Charente Vatgrijpt 005/2024 Cognac, Netherlands
I haven't had a Quadrupel in a while. This one has been aged in Cognac barrels. Muddy, deep dark brown beer with a modest plum hue and reasonable carbonation builds a velvety, cream-yellow head that grows one finger tall. The lace ring decorates the top for astonishingly long. My nose enjoys ample nuances of dried plum, raisin, date and syrup. Well, syrup is limited in this crew. Cognac barrel is recognizable, offering also purple grape, but the Cognac itself is surprisingly tame. Very promising scent, hopefully the flavor concoction delivers lots of tasty components to enjoy. Let's see. Hmmm... first of all, Cognac steps forward bravely and gives a slightly alcoholic idea to my tastebuds. Oakwood is powerful. Secondly, the classical Barley Wine flavors that can be observed here include dried plum, raisin, bitter caramel and a hint of raw cacao powder. Decent but not a masterpiece. Somewhat raw, could obviously benefit from cellaring. The body is medium at maximum. The ABV clocks 11 %, the body is suboptimal to the strength. The finish is even more alcoholic than the actual taste experience. Cognac, with its barrel notes, dominates the whole tail. The mouthfeel is medium, alcoholic, barrel aged, strong, a bit harsh and nicely warming. The elements are there but deeper flavors would improve the cocktail substantially. P.S. My Rocoto Montufari and Rocoto Red Peruvian chilis are ready. 🌶️🌶️