American Amber 10th Anniversary 4.8%, Wicklow Wolf Brewing, Ireland
1 ratings
American Amber 10th Anniversary
4.8% Red Ale / Amber Ale
Amber Ale


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
5 months ago
American Amber 10th Anniversary, Ireland
Ten years of Wicklow Wolf, and a return to the classic label! Very welcome indeed. Pour was troublesome as one can see from the head in the picture hut what readers can't see, is that there is still maybe ten per cent of the beer in the can. The body is a nice expectant amber colour, semi translucent when held to the light, with nice mild carbonation up the glass and although there was a huge head, it didn't last long. Scent is malt at first, sweet caramel, some biscuit, a little bread with brown sugar. Fruity notes follow with mango and pineapple with spiced dried fruit lingering in the back. Mouthfeel is light bodied, surprisingly thin with less than mild carbonation. A little dissapointing actually. Taste is reasonably close to the scent but in line with the lighter, thinner body, the taste seems a little watered down. The tropical notes are almost lost and while the spiced, dried fruits remain, they are heavily dominated by the caramel and biscuit malts. Potentially a great beer but they either chickened out of the higher abv or rushed the beer. Could have been alot better.