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Urban Kombucha Original Darjeeling 0.0%, Urban Kombucha, Switzerland
1 ratings
Urban Kombucha Original Darjeeling
0.0% Kombucha


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Cafétéria, Palais des Nations / UN | l'ONU
6 months ago
Urban Kombucha Original Darjeeling, Switzerland
A non-alcoholic kombucha for a meal accompaniment. The color is cloudy, light copper. The carbonation is subdued and a modest frogspawny lacing forms on the top, just to die quickly away. Dried apricot, orange peel, green tea, maybe dried mango in the fragrance. Like a bag of dried mixed fruits. The taste offers more green tea than the scent but the dried apricot is still copious, followed by dried mango, orange peel and faint raisin. The same dried-mixed-fruit-bag feeling in the end as in the beginning. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, natural, flat and reasonably tea-like. All in all, a nice organic kombucha.