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getting away with it 4.6%, Salopian Brewery, England
4 notes
getting away with it
4.6% English IPA
Introducing our first cask special for July, Getting Away With It, 4.6% Junior IPA. An elegant lightly coloured session India pale ale, with a crisp cleanness and fresh invigorating hop, disguising its hidden strength.


Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Jiggers Whistle
2 months ago
getting away with it, England
Still a boster of a beer from Salopian. Different venue but still the same results. Exactly the same details as before. A very good session ale that's totally quaffable

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
2 months ago
getting away with it, England
Had last night as was expecting it to be gone by today. Same profile as before but seems more creamy and fruity this time around. Still a boster of a beer from Salopian and a very good session ale that's totally quaffable

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
2 months ago
getting away with it, England
2nd one and still the same. Nice, crisp and refreshing session ale.

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
2 months ago
getting away with it, England
Another bostin pint from Salopian. Nice hoppy aroma. Creamy mouthfeel with a nice hoppiness. Slight floral notes with a subtle fruitiness to finish. Slight bitter aftertaste but enjoyable. Smooth and easy drinking session ale, a very quaffable drink