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Utopos 5.5%, Grimm Artisanal Ales, United States
1 notes
5.5% Pilsner


Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
2 months ago
Utopos, United States
Well this is not a traditional Pilsner. It starts out with a light bready sweet malt. Then some grassy and slightly spicy hops kick in and take over just a bit. What is really different is that it has a lime taste that starts very light but gets to an almost light level as it warms. Finishes slightly dry. Now I prefer a traditional pils taste but this worked today given it is so hot. I don’t think it is one I’d drink a lot of but was refreshing. I will say the craft pilsners seem to usually throw in lemon. Adding lime is little different.