When you brew as much as we do, sometimes we get tired of telling the yeast what to do. For Apex Predator Farmhouse Ale, we pitch the yeast cold, turn off the temperature control, and let the yeast do its thing. To our delight, it spat out the sweet scent of juicy fruit wafting from a frothy, white mane. Brewed only with grain and sugar unencumbered by the heat of the kiln, we create a hazy, golden body. Apex Predator gets its teeth from a generous Crystal dry-hopping that completes the dry finish with a fruity bite. Pounce on the opportunity to let it part your lips and you may find yourself at the top of the food chain.
Bjorn D
@ Hyatt Regency Big Bar1 year ago
Pas trop mon truc. Un peu trop fade.
2 years ago
@ Ray's Cave3 years ago
Begins with a high frothy head, slowly dissipating. Aroma has a sour citrus smell, notes of clove. Light yellow color. A little hazy and a lot of effervescence. Light and crisp texture gently move you towards a very grassy, lemony flavor combining smoothly with Belgian cloves. Not an overpowering flavor and the finish mild and lasting.
It's refreshing and combining nicely with my chicken dinner but I would not drink this as a standalone beer.
3 years ago
4 years ago
Backlog from June 21st at Off Color Brewing
Not typically a style I'll try, but this is pretty good. 3.75/5
Mr X
6 years ago
This is s farmhouse ale so I was expecting a Belgium style which I’m not the biggest fan of but do appreciate especially a good one.
I don’t usually comment on smell but this got me up front and not pleasantly. It was like a foul Belgium clove smell
Going to taste though surprisingly had a Belgium style clove taste that was light with Belgium style spices that were also light. Now throw in some lemon & banana but more from a German hefe style. The combination just goes well together.
Overall it is not the greatest thing created for a beer glass but very enjoyable. It is kind of a toned down Belgium that is tasty. I’m going 3.8.
6 years ago
Callum O
7 years ago
Blake H
8 years ago