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Virginia Peaches 5.1%, Starr Hill, United States
1 notes
Virginia Peaches
5.1% Wheat Beer / Wheat Ale


Post author: Mr X
Mr X
8 months ago
Virginia Peaches, United States
Back home after a long weekend. It’s 90 degrees out which feels so nice. It’s a shame it won’t last - I love the heat now that I’m getting old. Onto the beer. Bought a variety 12 pack of Starr Hill in Va. This one is a peach wheat ale. Surprise, surprise - it has a strong peach taste. The good thing it’s a true peach taste - not artificial. Not much from a wheat taste but these fruity ones usually go that way. Drank all 3 in the heat sitting on the back patio. (My wife would shoot me for using the word drank if she saw this). Overall not something I would normally drink but found refreshing on this abnormally warm day. Plus it is pretty well done.