O'Hara's 20th Anniversary Imperial Stout 10.0%, O'Hara's Brewery (Carlow Brewing Company), Ireland
11 ratings
O'Hara's 20th Anniversary Imperial Stout
10.0% Imperial Stout
To celebrate 20 years of brewing we crafted this limited edition Imperial Stout. This beer impresses from the first touch with it’s sheer complexity. Immensely viscous, yet smooth with a rich syrup mouthfeel. The aromas and flavours of rich coffee, chocolate and a light hop addition hit every sense and lead to a long warming finish where the flavours constantly develop. This is a beer which will develop for years in the bottle.
IBU: 60


Post author: BOUDET P
5 years ago
Tres aromatique. Un caramélisé proche de celui des porto tawny. Tres marquée par les arome de café et café.

Post author: Zakivre
5 years ago

Post author: Jeppe
@ Alko Arkadia
8 years ago

Post author: palkki5
@ Alko Keskusta Kuopio
8 years ago

Post author: pessi
8 years ago
O'Hara's 20th Anniversary Imperial Stout, Ireland

Post author: Jiimies
8 years ago
O'Hara's 20th Anniversary Imperial Stout, Ireland
Makea ja marjaisa sekä suklaisen paksu. Jälkimaussa hieman kahvia. Makeus ja marjaisa hapokkuus hieman yllättivät.

Post author: Tero S
Tero S
@ Alko Linnanmaa
8 years ago
O'Hara's 20th Anniversary Imperial Stout, Ireland
N: Sour rye bread, hoppyness, alcohol, strong coffee and darkchoco. Not bad. Pretty intriguing. T: Full of ryebread and burnt malts. Like burnt coffee. Hoppyness ain't so much what you expect from nose. Aftertaste is burnt wood and burnt malts. Weird, but I kind of like it, but then again, nope. I think this beer need to mature for few years? Then the burnt malt is probably eased down.. Or not. Dunno. Beer that makes you think and wonder, do you like it? What else there is? If it does that, it is a indication for successed beer. You should think and talk about it, that's the point!! Yall gona hate me, but it's 4/5 for me. Oh, forgot to say, that THIS BEER IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!! :D Even for me, this was quite a bite, but I like challenges ;)

Post author: Tapani
8 years ago
Ei säväytä, lakritsa jää pyörimään päällimmäisenä, makeahko karamellisuus ja suklaa tuntuvat jälkeenpäin, tuhtia tavaraa kuitenkin.

Post author: Drollo
@ Alko Linnanmaa
8 years ago
Järettömät määrät hapanta lakritsaa. Ei mitään muuta oikein tule läpi. Mahtaskohan ajan mittaan kypsyessään vähän tasottua? Tai sitte oisko pullossa jotain vikaa... Tämmösenään aikas hiveää tavaraa.