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Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout (2023) 13.3%, Alesmith Brewing Company, United States
2 notes
Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout (2023)
13.3% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
We’ve matured our signature Coffee Imperial Stout in premium bourbon barrels for up to one year to create Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout, with the perfect blend of flavors. Notes of oak, vanilla, and bourbon add another level of complexity to this beer’s already massive flavor profile of chocolate, locally roasted coffee, and roasted barley. Designed to be enjoyed now or aged in the bottle for years to come, this special release is truly a unique beer that is smooth as it is rare.
Vieillie en fût


Post author: Jesse M
Jesse M
@ Hoptimaal
3 months ago
Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout (2023), United States
Päätetään Juhannus 2024 kotioloissa hitaaseen. Oikeastaan tuoksussa on aika vahvat kahvilikööri aromit. Kepsakkaa vaniljaa. Ja tummaa suklaata pienen nahkaisuuden kera. Maussa voimakas kahvi iskee päin sensoreita. Siinä kun lisänä likööriä, niin kyllä on kahvin ystäville settiä. Hieman marjaiseen kääntyvää kahvia. Sen jälkeen paahteikasta vaniljaa ja vahvahkon hapokasta tummaa suklaata. Jälkimaussa rupee tulemaan tynnyriä pehmeämmin bourbonin ja vaniljan muodossa. Vaniljainen tammisuus jää pitkään maistumaan suupieliin. Pyöreähkö suutuntuma tuhdihkolla rungolla. Makian jälkikuiva. Isoa/intensiivistä makua. 4,4/5

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Mentone
8 months ago
Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout (2023), United States
House full of family, Ryan and I are enjoying sharing beers on this festive day. Small head, dissipated pretty quick. Tall boy can so we both get a good taste of this one. All while watching the kids with a Saran wrap ball. Hilarious! Bourbon aroma, maple, and some coffee. Once in the mouth it's a shot of bourbon. Very strong, intense. Immediately get a burn. A semisweet dark chocolate and coffee simultaneously arrive. All the flavors are powerful. Burns the throat and puts a chill down the arms. The finish continues with no let up. No relief. Might as well take another sip and enjoy the ride. As it warms, the coffee and chocolate seem to surface stronger, probably as I acclimate to the bourbon. Wow, two excellent beers in a row.