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Cozy Campfire 19.0%, Brouwerij Kees, Netherlands
2 notes
Cozy Campfire
19.0% Imperial IPA / Double IPA
Freeze distilled


Post author: LeMontee
@ Beerdome
7 months ago

Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
9 months ago
Cozy Campfire, Netherlands
Well well we'll, if it isnt the highest abv beer I have ever had. It pours slightly thicker than your typical Double ipa with a caramel colour to it. On the subject of caramel it has a surprisingly sweet caramel aroma to it with a little boozy hint to it. It's upfront sweet into a boozy warming burn that lingers on the palate. Sweet, raisin, caramel.... It's rich it's thick. It's perfect for the time of year it is (unless you're in Australia) I have never had a bad beer from kees and highly reccomend them