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Behind the Mask 8.2%, Badlands Brewing Company, Canada
2 notes
Behind the Mask
8.2% New England DIPA / Hazy Imperial IPA
For this beer we wanted to both brew, and illustrate something with multiple layers of depth. We wanted to build a flavor profile that would initially present itself one way and then metamorphose into something later in the drinking experience. Kind of like a “gotcha” moment, where you think you know what’s going on, and then someone or something reveals itself to you as totally different and new… but in a cool and extremely pleasant way. Dry hopped with Citra, Galaxy and Riwaka this beer drinks at first as a citric delight, which as it warms moves toward a more tropical, pineapple laden profile. It’s a delightful drinking experience start to finish!
Houblon : Citra, Galaxy, Riwaka
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Post author: RM
@ Hoptimaal
3 months ago

Post author: orson
@ Hoptimaal
1 year ago
Behind the Mask, Canada
This beer looks so nice. Aroma is amazing. Lots of Riwaka: Tropical kind of white wine, carambola and mango. Mouthfeel is fresh, smooth, quite highly carbonated, juicy, balanced, easy drinking and dry. Taste: Citrus, carambola, mango, pineapple, white wine, grapes and some bitterness. Aftertaste is dry and smooth. Lots of white wine in aftertaste. Some times Riwaka doesn't work so well but usually with Citra it's pure gold! _________________________________ Tämä olut näyttää niin hyvältä. Tuoksu on upea. Paljon Riwakaa; Trooppisia hedelmiä, valkoviiniä, karambolaa, mangoa, jne. Suutuntuma on raikas, pehmeä, hiilihappoinen, mehuinen, tasapainoinen, helposti juotava ja kuiva. Tosi hyvä dokabiliteetti. Maku: Sitrusta, karambolaa, mangoa, ananasta, valkoviiniä, rypäleitä ja hieman peräkärryä. Jälkimaku on kuiva ja pehmeä. Jälkimaussa runsaasti valkoviiniä. Joskus Riwaka ei toimi niin hyvin, mutta yleensä Citran kanssa se on puhdasta kultaa!