Luna 5.8%, The White Hag Brewing Company, Ireland
1 ratings
5.8% India Pale Ale
Valencia Orange IPA


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
1 year ago
Luna, Ireland
After coming back from Spain, Valencia specifically I saw this and though it was a sign. But when I read the can I saw that it is inspired by Valencia, California. So I feel like I've been duped into buying a generic west coast ipa. The pour from the can was vibrant. A slightly dark orange body full of haze and a huge foamy white head with mild retention. The trial of the pour had a slightly creamy look to it, and seeing as there are oats included, this might be nice. The scent is sweet citrus, perhaps mandarina bavaria hops. There is supposed to be orange oil and orange peel too and while there is a succinct orange presence it's not particularly strong. Over time the orange Scent starts to manifest better, I think it was concealed beneath the head and it merges with some mango. A tiny hint of pine too. Mouthfeel is pleasant, moderate foam and mild carbonation. Nothing unusual. Taste is mellow, tropical notes, mango, pineapple with a little, and I mean little, kick of orange. It really is like every other west coast ipa, but if that's what you're in the mood for, than this will satisfy your itch.