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As One Door Closes 4.2%, Salopian Brewery, England
3 ratings
As One Door Closes
4.2% Bitter
This Best Bitter is packed with fabulous mellow fruitfulness, celebrating the autumnal season. Finishing with a zesty hop blast and a plethora of tropical fruit.


Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Turtles Head
10 months ago
As One Door Closes, England
same as before, which is a good thing, a good session ale. have yet to be disappointed by Salopian. a very easy drinking ale.

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
11 months ago
As One Door Closes, England
Obviously still the same drink as before. Probably a little bit more creamy than before. Same profile as before. Enjoyable drink and a good session ale

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
11 months ago
As One Door Closes, England
Another bostin pint from Salopian. Like a good old fashioned bitter. Decent malty hoppy aroma. Subtle fruit taste with a nice hoppiness mixed in. Malty finish. Slight bitter aftertaste but to be expected. Smooth and easy drinking session ale.