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Rainbow Roots 4.0%, United Gypsies (UG) Brewery, Finland
2 ratings
Rainbow Roots
4.0% Sour / Wild Ale
Ruisjuurella käytetty hapanolut. Mausteena musta-, puna- sekä viherherukkaa.


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Deli Baker's Lohja
1 year ago
Rainbow Roots, Finland
This Sour Ale contains blackcurrant, redcurrant and green currant. As well as doughy wild yeasts. Not sure if I have ever tasted green currant but the all-encompassing internet reveals that the flavor is like a mild version of blackcurrant. I'm not a big fan of either blackcurrant or redcurrant, but I gladly give this beer a chance to surprise me positively. My observation of the appearance is semilucid amber. The carbonation is fairly shy. What we have on the surface is a hasty head that remains at less than one finger's altitude. Its death is almost immediate. Sour lemon tangoes with redcurrant and wheat malt in the background. Blackcurrant or green currant I don't recognize here, rather green gooseberry, raw for sure. Prickly as hell. So is the gustatory sector: Sour to the power of two or three compared to a "regular" example of the style. Berries from the garden. Very domestic, nothing exotic. My guess would still point at green gooseberry. Raw green gooseberry is so obvious that I can't untaste it. (I love that word!) Wheat malt in the baseline. Back to the berries: now I can spot blackcurrant but the intensive sour nuance confuses my tastebuds as I'm spared from the traditional stale flavor of the berry. Redcurrant is actually more or less camouflaged now. Or just a hint of it there. Lemon zest and tangerine accompany the main course. Do I pick wild yeast? A bit, yes. Not like a funky punch of a Lambic but not a clinical lactic acid either. Quite intriguing anyway. The body is light. The finish doesn't change much from the earlier experience but the yeast, be it wild or tame, intensifies marginally. At the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold; at the end of a story, you'll find it's all been told; but the aftertaste... it has a treasure. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, significantly tart, puckering and acidic. Natural, like a sigh from a late-summery garden. The weather is still warm but you can feel the humidity rising in the evenings. Dries the gums beautifully. All in all, quite a bold sipper. I love the fact that this portrays Finnish berry flavors.

Post author: Zwunda
@ K-Supermarket Karjaranta
1 year ago
Ihan Ok. Ei omaan makuun