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Susan 6.0%, Hill Farmstead Brewery, United States
8 betyg
6.0% India Pale Ale
Susan was our grandfather's sister - in her honor we offer this version of an American IPA.


Post author: Pat-Walt
1 year ago

Post author: Grey
@ Hill Farmstead Brewery
3 years ago
Susan, United States
BEER: Susan BREWERY: Hill Farmstead Brewery BEER STYLE: IPA COUNTRY: USA ABV.: 6.0% COLOUR (EBC): Sunny Yellow (14.0) BITTERS (EBU/IBU): 80.0 AROMA: Rustic, earthy and dryingly refreshing. HEAD: Tight. Three finger tall, white head. Lasts eternity. GREY’S VIEW Citra, Simcoe & Riwaka hopped IPA. Taste is gorgeously clear. Some easy going fruits, with grainy touch and all those rustic countryside sides are there to be found too. Slightly earthy and grated truffely with delightfully bright end with mineral forward lemon juice. Mouthfeel meets the taste. Medium-light body is easy and thirst quenching, with modest hazy being and beautifully presented hops. OTHER NOTES: This is a winner! It’s bright and easy. Tastes starts from fruity tropical islands and continues all the way to rustic countryside in southern europe and they work so perfectly together. CANNED 7/7/2021 TASTED 3/9/2021

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Hill Farmstead Brewery
4 years ago
Susan, United States
Finally, got to taste some Hill Farmstead. Thanks a lot for this one you know who you are🍻 Canned on 4.5.2021 Temperature: +11 C Good looking brew with a tall, long-lasting, and fluffy head. Some lace the color is deep yellow and the beer is cloudy. Looks very much like a NEIPA: 4,5/5 The nose is strong with fresh and intense citrus and a classic resiny piney aroma. But the aromas don't stop there. There's also a juicy punch of pineapple and mango which complements the more classic aromas very well. Nice one: 4,75/5 The mouthfeel is just a bit too light for my liking. But bitterness is solid and there's also something that builds up the body despite the overall feel being medium-light. I'm guessing this has some wheat malt but I'm not sure🤔4,25/5 The taste doesn't really have those tropical notes from the scent but rather it is much more basic with citrusy and resiny piney flavors. Some sort of fruitiness as well. Not much awesomeness going on here, just your normal American IPA. Although well-made one, that's for sure. The aftertaste is nicely bitter and lingering: 12,25/15 I was looking for a well-made IPA and I got one. No disappointments here as I didn't expect this to be that fancy. Nevertheless, this is tasty and despite being "normal" American IPA, this is not a boring beer. I'm glad I got to taste this classic (or at least I think this can be referred to as one): 17/20 =42,75/50

Post author: Winzard
@ Hill Farmstead Brewery
4 years ago
Susan, United States
Välillä vähän kevyempää. Hill Farmsteadin Jenkki-IPA, jossa alkoa maltillisesti 6%. Tölkitetty 01/12/20, joten ikää tänään reilu 5 viikkoa. Olut kaatuu lasiin pirteän keltaisena ja aavistuksen utuisena. Sormen korkea vaalea vaahto nousee hetkeksi pinnalle. Tuoksussa katkeroa, havuisuutta ja kirpeähkö sitrusta. Pientä metsäisyyttä ja yrttisyyttä. Maku on kuivahko, ruohoinen ja yrttinen. Hedelmää on melko niukasti, mutta eniten esillä ovat appelsiini, ananas ja sitruuna. Mukana on myös kevyttä kauraisuutta ja katkeroa. Suutuntuma on oikein hyvä. Laadukkuus on aina se sana, jolla on helppo kuvailla HF:n oluita. Tämäkin kevyempi IPA tekee juuri sen mitä sen pitääkin ja ilman mitään kikkailuja. Helppoa ja hyvää.

Post author: Zaa Z
Zaa Z
@ Hill Farmstead Brewery
4 years ago
Susan, United States
Tölkitetty 1.12.2020 ollen nyt päälle 4 viikkoista. Maultaan yllättävän runsas ja vivahteikas. Ensihörpyllä ois luullu 8%:ksi ja toisella ehkä sit suu tottu tuoden tuon ohkaisemman taustan tuntumaltaan esille. Suht kuivakka, happaman greippinen, tuoretta sitruunaa, yrttinen ja ruohoinen, makeammilta osin mehukasta mandariinia/satsumaa/appelsiinia, ananasta. Mallasta nousee kivasti esille, ja katkeroakin riittää alussa purren kovemmin muuttuen sitten tasaisemmaksi. Erittäin makoisa kokonaisuus. Prosentteihin nähden on saatu iso ipa aikaan.

Post author: Pentti N
Pentti N
@ Covenhaven
6 years ago
Susan, United States