Jacob R
2 years ago
Maybe the first black IPA that I've actually enjoyed as I find they tend to be incredibly bitter and roasty in general. This beer has a great hoppy aroma and the balance between the coffee and chocolate notes of the roasted malt Vs the bitterness and pine of the hops is impressive.
Whaddya drink of that!?
2 years ago
It pours with a small quick dissipating head, almost resembles a glass of freshly poured coke.
On the đ: floral, bitter hops with a slight sweetness to it.
Taste đ: slightly thick mouth feel, slight bitterness, fairly hoppy. Slight earthy notes in the middle.
Brilliant beer
I got this from my Tempest box from Brewser which has turned out to be the most cost effective way for me to get a beer subscription. Really pleased with the beers I have had from Tempest so far!
Vinit R
2 years ago
4 years ago
Gilles S
4 years ago
Giuseppe T.
5 years ago
Birra davvero spettacolare che mi ha portato a conoscere le black ipa. Gli aromi e i sapori esplosivi tropicali, luppolosi e resinosi delle migliori ipa si uniscono al tostato e al cioccolato amaro tipico delle porter, per un mix perfettamente riuscito e bilanciato. Un capolavoro!
Leif C
5 years ago
Ja jatketaan nÀitÀ arkeologisia kaivauksia bissehyllyn takanurkkiin nyt PE: 27 FEB 2019. Tuoksuu kallioimarteenjuurisen kÀyneen appelsiinisen sitruksisen havuisalta ja maistuu lempeÀn kuivan havuisalle, ei siis paha ollenkaan, kaks ja kolmrvarttia ylöspÀin vielÀkin.
Olivier L
5 years ago
Pejk B
@ Alko Ideapark5 years ago
Kaj H
@ Kievari Kahdet Kasvot5 years ago