@ United Gypsies (UG) Brewery3 months ago
Happy FINNISH BEER DAY 2024! 🇫🇮🍺
Instead of a beer, I'll warm myself with a mulled cider. Part of the garden must be surrounded with a perimeter fence because of so many deers in this area 🦌 They eat apple trees, strawberry plants, cultivated blueberry bushes, rhubarbs and you name it. They even jump very high, so nothing smaller than 1,8 meters will suffice.
And now the mulled cider. Obviously winter spiced. This is supposed to be enjoyed warm but I will assess this both cold and warm.
First WARM:
Semihazy, apricot flesh colored cider with no carbonation.
Notes of apple jam, apricot and faint nutmeg hover in the air. Other than that, I don't receive Christmas spices in the scent.
Apple juice, apple mash, apple peel, apple whatever on the tongue. Mandarin, dried apricot, orange peel and distant nutmeg accompany the main gustatory component. Not sure if there's also cardamon in the taste...
Ends sourish. Hmmm... I wonder if this is like it's supposed to be. If I remember correct, I bought this in the fall of 2022 while the best before went by on 1 May 2024. So, now it's 5.5 months overdue.
The mouthfeel is juicy, jam-like, slightly tart, closed, a tad wintery. Unique for sure. Warm mulled cider is definitely not my everyday drink.
Then briefly COLD:
Looks astonishingly cloudy. Messy turbid. Was it warmed less muddy? Apple peel and apple mash in the fragrance. A somewhat narrower olfactory offer than warm.
Fresher apple mash now. Also apple juice straight from the carton. Additionally, I can pick canned mandarin and dried apricot but no spices whatsoever. Even here, the package shrinks when cold.
The end is identical to upfront. Tartness is less evident than warm, it's fresher, juicier, a bit dry and drying. All in all, a tad tastier cold than warm.
Warm: 3.0
Cold 3.4
🔀 3.2 average
P.S. No sticker for this day. Unlike in 2021–2023. Am I surprised? No. This is nowadays what it is.
H.V. Pils
2 years ago
Kimmo M
@ Café Pikkirilli2 years ago