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Cheese Grator 7.7%, Pizza Boy Brewing, United States
1 arviota
Cheese Grator
7.7% Doppelbock


Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
2 years ago
Cheese Grator, United States
This was excellent. It has a dark fruit/plum taste with a hint of caramel malt and just a tinge of chocolate that shows up as it warms. It’s on the sweet side but far from overkill like most American crafts make them. Overall this one is done just right. Most American crafts make doppelbocks super sweet/brown sugar like. Not this one. I had a 4 pack of them and just had one here and there this week, enjoying every time. As I finish this last one I will be getting another 4 pack assuming they still have them in stock.