1 notes
Yakor' Krasnoe / Якорь Красное
5.0% Red Ale / Amber Ale
Dense, noble, full-bodied beer
A beautiful red wine color is created by generous additions of premium specialty malts. They are also responsible for the formation of the body of beer - dense and balanced. An alliance of rare New Zealand and Australian hop varieties from the 2017 vintage delivers an explosion of unusual flavor and aroma sensations. On the palate are tropical fruits, passion fruit, floral notes, delicate spices
2 years ago
Приехали пациенты, привезли крымского пива. Приятно-то как)
Начал с красного, ароматный красный эль в американском стиле, основные мотивы уходят к луговым травам, карамели. На вкус резковато. Карбонизация выше среднего. Вкус кисловат, очень травянистый, вяжущий. Горечь умерена, продолжительна.
Patients arrived, brought Crimean beer. So sweet)
I started with a red, fragrant red ale in the American style, the main theme go to meadow herbs, caramel. Sharp in taste. Above average carbonation. The taste is sour, very grassy, astringent. Bitterness is moderate, long-lasting.