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Unregulated Sour NE IPA / 无序 5.2%, Mahanine Brewing Co. / 大九酿造, China
1 notes
Unregulated Sour NE IPA / 无序
5.2% Sour IPA / Wild IPA
Through the process of acidification, we bring out the complex sweet and sour juice flavor of citrus fruits, which complements the bitterness of hops. When chilled and consumed in one gulp, multiple flavors interweave in the mouth in an unordered manner. Please drink in an orderly manner! 我们通过酸化工艺带来展现出复杂的柑橘属水果的酸甜果汁味,与酒花苦味相得益彰。冰镇后一口饮下,多重风味在口中交织无序,请有序饮用!
IBU : 20


Post author: UC08
3 years ago
Unregulated Sour NE IPA / 无序, China