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Mahanine Brewing Co. / 大九酿造
19 notes
Mahanine Brewing Co. / 大九酿造

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Post author: Frank B
Frank B
@ Beer52
18 days ago
It pours a hazy, golden colour with a white head. Aroma and flavour are citrussy. Slightly chalky mouthfeel.

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
@ Beer52
20 days ago
Slightly soapy and slippery. Fruity but not overly so and certainly could do with more oomph.

Post author: Dartford Dave
Dartford Dave
@ Beer52
21 days ago
Floral aroma. Golden colour with citrus and fruit flavours. Good session beer.

Post author: James A
James A
@ Beer52
27 days ago
Not too bad - a fairly floral pale IPA, with hints of stone-fruit flavour. A texture that’s a smidge soapy.

Post author: Oranjeboom Andy. T
Oranjeboom Andy. T
27 days ago
Hazy hoppy hints of citrus nice stuff.

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ Beer52
29 days ago
Decent drink. Nice fruity aroma. Strange combination of fruit taste, definitely got citrus but with a subtle berry fruit note. Slight tartness to finish but enjoyable. Smooth and easy drinking session ale.