2 notes
Crod The Cinnamon Churros Chugger
11.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
@ Beerdome3 years ago
Nightcap. Fills the glass opaque, jet black. Carbonation is lively. A fawn, big-bubbled head mounts on the surface surprising three fingers high. Well, I poured carelessly. Retention lasts a good while but eventually the foamy stack contacts to a hair-thin lace ring.
The olfactory symphony is composed of cinnamon, sweet bun, gingerbread, milk chocolate, cacao nibs and lactose. Delicate vanilla wants to join the gang. I 🖤 the fact that the impression that my nose gets is, indeed, cinnamon churro although this bakery product is not in the sharpest top of my favorites.
The taste takes a different direction: ample very dark chocolate, bags of cacao nibs and a pinch of vanilla can still be spotted without difficulty. Licorice and syrup are a new elements to be added to the list. Cinnamon is still in the spicy segment but remarkably weaker now. Even a faint idea of espresso is imaginable. Alcohol is nowhere. Nonetheless, I don't necessarily get an impression of cinnamon churro anymore. Overall, the flavor sensation is really thick and lip-glueing.
The body is full. Licorice and light-roasted aromas gain intensity in the end. Faint cinnamon and espresso wave their hands, too. The aftertaste swallows me like I'm a fu***n' churro.
The mouthfeel is full, soft and smooth. It's thick, sticky and, hence, slow-moving. Furthermore, I'd say that the mouthfeel is remotely spiced and truly desserty.
@ Bier & Brouwsels3 years ago
Korona ei ainakaan vielä ole vienyt makuaistia, joten yksi tumma testiin taas pienen tauon jälkeen
Siirappisen makea ja kanelinen tuoksu. Pehmeä ja tukeva runko. Maussa vaniljaa, kanelipullaa ja sopivasti makeutta. Aika hyvä jälkkäri hitaaseen nautiskeluun, kaneli tuo mukavasti erilaisuutta.