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Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse 13.0%, Lervig Aktiebryggeri, Norway
6 notes
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse
13.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
Stout aged in tennessee whiskey barrels for 10 months. We took our 3 bean stout a step further and spiced it up with a bit of heat and give it nudge with Norwegian cherry juice. And of course the barrel aging is the icing on this cake. Vanilla, coconut oak and a touch of the bourbon will satisfy your senses in full. Serving: Snifter glass. 10°C


Post author: orson
@ Hoptimaal
6 months ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
Chiliä, viskiä, vaniljaa, kookosta ja suklaata mukana, mutta tonka on selkeä pääroolin vetäjä tässä. Mielestäni liikaa hallitsee tonka. Suutuntuma kuiva, pehmeä ja lämmittävä.

Post author: Harala
@ Koht Õllepood
1 year ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
Tuoksussa runsasta tonkaa ja se ei enää aiheuta suurempaa riemua. Myös maussa tonka on liian hallitseva, ainoastaan chili pääsee selkeästi mukaan. Wiskin mukanaolon tunnistaa, samoin pienoisen kirsikan. Jälkimaku on Wiskillä kostutetun maustekakun oloinen. Sakkaa pääsi mukaan, joka näkyy kuvassakin. Se tosin ei ollut ongelma ollenkaan. Ilman chiliä pisteet olisi jääneet heikoiksi.

Post author: Mindas1978
1 year ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
£16 a bottle

Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
@ The House of Trembling Madness
2 years ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
Being that this is the most expensive beer I have ever had, I wanted to save it for a special occasion... Well today I had news I got a new job 😸 The second I opened the wax seal I was met with a chocolatey whiskey liqueur aroma... Beautiful pouring into the glass and smelling from afar you definitely get the black forest and bourbon . I could literally sit and just smell this all day. Wow!!! The second it hits your palate it is literally a flavour bomb. You get all the flavours at once but some linger on the palate longer so you do get to taste them all separately, what's more is the nice whiskey warmth you get in the mouth. The vanilla and coconut really give it lovely cakey notes In terms of mouthfeel this is not quite what I was expecting especially at the Abv it is. It's a tad thinner but honestly given how well the flavours already cling to the palate I don't think its necessarily matters in terms of flavours but more just because I do love a thick stout. All in all this is another beer that is an experience as well as a drink. And finally.... Was it worth the money? YES. EDIT: The more you have, the more delicate the flavours become.... But in no way is this bad. The intensity mellows out and you can truly appreciate the complexity of this beer

Post author: Jacob R
Jacob R
@ House Of The Trembling Madness, Lendl, York
2 years ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
A very special beer. Roasted grain, vanilla and a heavy bourbon aroma. The Tonka bean and vanilla are right at the front of the flavours at first, roasty chilli and bourbon take over and the cherry really lingers in the aftertaste once the chilli has subsided. Well impressed with this.

Post author: Wosing
@ Ruée vers l'orge
2 years ago
Black Forest Picante By Rackhouse, Norway
Bière parfaite pour un dessert. Les fèves de tonka apportent beaucoup de douceur. Bière de grande qualité.