4 notes
Lori - The Sticky Maple Coffee Cake Champ
12.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
@ Wittich Weine und Biere AG8 months ago
@ De BierTonne2 years ago
Aikamoinen siirappipommi, vähän turhan äitelä omaan makuun.
Kaadettaessa vaahtoaa runsaasti ja vaahto on pysyvää sorttia. Tuoksu on makea, vaahterasiirappi erottuu selvästi.
Suutuntuma on täyteläinen ja maku on aluksi kirpeä mutta sitten sokerisuus ja kahvi valtaa koko estradin. Jälkimaku on tahmaan siirappinen, mutta lopussa suuhun jää maistumaan jääkahvimainen maku.
Jos sokeriruuvia olisi saatu pidettyä vähän pienemmällä, olisi kyseessä oikein hieno olut.
@ Beerdome3 years ago
Murky, black beer with average carbonation grows a chocolate-moussy head that surpasses two fingers. The foamy crown contracts sluggishly to a still attractive lace ring on the surface.
The scent offers good amounts of maple syrup, Bourbon, cacao nibs and dark chocolate. Sweet mocha, walnut and lactose render their flavors to the cocktail, as well. The package contains strong aromas that pull the set in various directions. As if splashed here and there.
The taste cannons a cluster of flavors: I get, first and foremost, bags of cacao nibs, dark chocolate and maple syrup. All of them ample. Right behind these, I find a bit of molasses, sweet espresso and brown sugar. Lactose is evident, no doubt about it. Interesting enough, I also receive Bourbon with its soaked barrel vibe. Nevertheless, this is not BBA as far as I know.
The body is relatively full but not overly huge anyway. The sweetness probably adds its contribution to the sensation of the body. Bourbon and barrel intensify in the finish. Espresso is very sweet as if a cup of lactose was molten in it. Cacao is equally powerful as before. However, maple syrup declines in intensity, and walnut is absent in all taste. The aftertaste wants to stay around all summer and after fall, and keeps one warm through the winter.
The mouthfeel is intense, full, thick, sticky and viscous. Even chewy. It's also sappy, adjuncted, desserty and barrel aged, the last variable being illusionary only. Half a can works fine as nightcap but I couldn't sink a drop more of this.
NOTE: The barcode gives "Hop Tub" by the same brewery.
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Smaakhuis.nl3 years ago
Mostly coffee, syrup, lactose, roastiness. Quite boring. That annoying sweet tang.