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Boer Bloem 0.3%, De Proefbrouwerij, Belgium
8 ratings
Boer Bloem
0.3% Spiced Beer
Lokreiste waarrrrrrr


Post author: benpon
20 days ago

Post author: Liefmans gouden band
Liefmans gouden band
2 months ago

Post author: Penskev
1 year ago

Post author: Jeff Ped
Jeff Ped
@ The Crown and Anchor
2 years ago
Boer Bloem, Belgium

Post author: WexiLahti
@ OnderNulPuntVijf ONP5
2 years ago
Boer Bloem, Belgium
This beer is weird: the beer contains elderflower and hibiscus. The beer is semihazy, deep amber. Carbonation is rather arrogant as it fizzes out of the can immediately after cracking it open. A velvety, off-white head grows two fingers tall while the retention maintains a neat lacing on the top for long. The scent is extraordinarily floral with copious elderflower indeed reaching my nose. Wheat malt is obvious, and as if something like whitepepper hovered also in the air. The olfactory universe is like walking amidst a meadow. The palate is prickly fruity and absolutely floral. I'm receiving both elderflower and elderberry as well as wheat malt and a bit of lemon zest. Quite unique and juicy. Tasty, as well. Interestingly, I'm forgetting all the time that this beer contains merely 0.3 % alcohol, it could well be 5 % without any significant difference. The body is light to light-medium. Commendable! The finish leaves floral and juicy flavors on the tongue. Elderflower, I'm sure you'll bloom white flowers that'll be reflected in the eyes of the aftertaste even if we are apart, remember I'll always be by your side. The mouthfeel is light, really juicy, springlike, amply floral and meadowy. Unique and enjoyable.

Post author: Guy Y
Guy Y
3 years ago

Post author: Sander D
Sander D
3 years ago
Echt niet lekker!

Post author: Lennert DC
Lennert DC
4 years ago
Lekkerrrrrrrrrrr en vree wijs maat serieus maar geen alkool en khad wa den bibberrr