5 notes
Huge Arker Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout
15.5% Imperial Stout
18 days ago
Todellinen yhden asian olut, Bourbon maistuu todella hyvin, no vuoden tynnyrilusimisen jälkeen nâin kuulukin maistua, jos on bourbonin ystävâ, tämä uppoaa kyllä, jos ei, voi tulla sanomista
@ Beer Republic Web Shop1 year ago
Advent Calendar 2023, Day 4.
Today's beer is a BBA IS. Looks murky, jet black. Not very surprising... Carbonation is somewhat timid as it builds a moderate tawny head of half a finger. Nevertheless, the lace ring decorates the top relatively long.
Fruity Bourbon emanates from the depths of the barrel and finds my nose easily. Vanilla accompanies, dark chocolate and cacao a bit further behind. The scent is not particularly complex but astonishingly soft, obviously due to the long 12-month barrel aging.
The taste is attractive: full and velvety! Bourbon is powerful and inviting with vanilla. The chocolatey sphere is copious, very dark and full of crushed raw cacao beans. Deep barrel nuances escort the cocktail. Alcohol is not entirely hidden but I somehow bear with it here. Warming for sure.
The body is medium-full to full. Could be bigger but this is okay. The end even increases the alcoholic punch on the dark chocolatey bed. It's just at the edge of becoming uncontrollable. So huge, so huge; get to the club, 5'10; get to the club, 3 a.m., I'm 5'10; so huge, like Arker, the tough guy.
The mouthfeel is relatively full, strong, heavily barrel aged, truly deep and sticky. It's alcoholic but all's good. Tastes adjuncted but is not. That's often a positive sign.
@ Beer Republic Web Shop2 years ago
Jari J
@ Beer Republic Web Shop4 years ago
Canned on:?
Temperature: +14 C
Quite dark, almost black. The head is about one finger tall, fast, and leaves no marks on the glass. The texture of this beer looks suspiciously light: 3,25/5
The nose is a nice combination of strong Bourbon and oak aromas with balanced roasty notes, licorice, chocolate, and some darker dried fruits. Overall seems basic but well-made: 4,25/5
The beer is only medium-bodied but barrel aging seems to round up the things with vanilla-like smoothness. Still, the alcohol pushes through strongly but stays just barely under control and it is not too boozy. Feels like this has a relatively high bitterness level as well: 4/5
The taste also has both the beer And the barrel. Oak, vanilla, and a rather sharp Bourbon flavor are merged up with strong, dark roastiness, chocolate, herbal licorice, and slightly malty flavors. The aftertaste is mild but long-lasting: 11,5/15
Seems like a big beer but perhaps not big enough. For me, the mouthfeel is a tad too light for a beer with a massive ABV such as this one. And although the taste is just fine, it feels pretty straightforward and lacks those tiny nuances that truly make a beer marvelous. A fine beer nevertheless. Also also, the taste is remarkable similar to some Pühaste beers but with a bit less complexity: 15/20
Oliver V
4 years ago