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Oceanic White Tip 4.4%, Chandeleur Island Brewing Company, United States
2 notes
Oceanic White Tip
4.4% Witbier
Oceanic White Tip Wit is a Belgian wit beer brewed with pilsner malt and unmalted white wheat lending notes of bread dough and a soft and creamy mouthfeel. The expressive Belgian yeast provides spicy notes of clove and vanilla while the addition of key lime juice lends a tart and refreshing finish.


Post author: Causey J
Causey J
1 year ago

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Mentone
4 years ago
Oceanic White Tip, United States
Duo beer with my son-in-law in Texas. Trying a beer from Gulfport Mississippi, a Belgian wit. Open the can and the smell is awful. Poured in a glass to reveal a medium-high very white frothy head. Aroma is sour and pungent, not sure I even want to taste it. Color is dark yellow and extremely hazy. Flavor is of the Belgian clove that I expected with strong overtures of lime. Medium intensity flavor. Finish is somewhat bitter and sour. Turned out to not be as bad as I was expecting after the aroma but I did not really enjoy this beer and would definitely not order another.