Barrel aged Brett Ale - Brettanomyces Bruxellensis and american hops.
Fermented and aged in barrels with Bruxellensis strain.
The worth is made with pilsner malt, rye and unmalted wheat.
IBU: 27
Barrel aged
3 years ago
pas certain que ce soit la même, mais celle que j'ai bue en pression est au piment naga et bubblegum, elle arrache vraiment
Davy R
3 years ago
Heinonens Heineken
@ Nässjö ölcafé3 years ago
Hann dricka upp den men denna var syrlig och mysig att dricka faktiskt
Finsmakande Fabian
@ Nässjö ölcafé3 years ago
Kan vara för att jag drack väldigt lite av den men smakar jävligt gott och nytt. Tänk dig en fruktig öl utan så mycket frukt och bitterhet.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Jari J
4 years ago
New beer in Pint Please.
Got this from the Christmas calendar.
Best before 4/2024
Temperature: +11 C
I'm brewing something similar to this next month at home. But tomorrow, I'm going to Panimo Narri to brew my beer that won a homebrewing competition. That beer also uses Brettanomyces but it's not all Brett like this one.
A golden beer with perfect clarity. Small head but that tiny layer stays on top for quite a while. Relatively low carbonation it seems: 4,25/5
The nose has balanced funkiness with soft apple and hay. Then some oak and citrus fruits with lemon and lime qualities. Peppery spiciness as well. Very good complexity but could be more intense: 4/5
Mouthfeel is medium with refreshing tartness/sourness, medium carbonation. Vivid: 4,5/5
Tastes of grainy wheat, Lemon, lime, mild apple, and balanced... Well hard to say what it is... Let's just call it funkiness. The beer has a long-lasting medium dry and "sticky" aftertaste, similar to many Lambics have: 12,75/15
An excellent all Brett beer. Well balanced, and a good amount of stuff which are all well bind together. The flavor stays intense the whole time. The scent, though, could have something more but it's still fine. I love me some funk: 17/20