God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ De Bierliefhebber4 years ago
New brewery for me. Canned on 05/07/20.
Color is a bit darker than usual with NEIPAs. Lots of foam while pouring, hopefully it hasn't gone bad.
Scent has citra, oats, minerals. Bit sweet hoppiness.
Taste has... Not much going on. Some distant hoppiness, slight awful sweetness, bit vegetal, oats, grapefruit. Metally finish.
Body is quite smooth, with good carbonation and fullness.
Terrible taste. Like super bland, almost drinking like an IPA made by Koff or something. Can't be in proper condition.
Edit: the brewery replied to my review in Untappd, telling that they're gonna investigate. Now that's quick customer service! Props for that 👍
Turned out to be a bad can. Well, my instinct was spot on with this one.