Noble hops and Munich malt, along with a unique blend of Icelandic Juniper berries and a dash of lime, evoke classic cocktail-inspired flavors, all in a refreshing craft beer like no other.
@ Warnemünde3 years ago
Cooles Pils aus Island. Klebriger, haltbarer Schaum, leicht trübe, hell gelbe Farbe, optisch gelungen. Limette ausdrucksstark in der Nase und im Geschmack, hier jedoch formidabel flankiert von harzig-holzigen und blumigen Noten der Wacholderbeere. Schade nur, dass die Kohlensäure etwas unterentwickelt ist. Ansonsten top Bier.
Rain K
3 years ago
Leal Villamil L
4 years ago
@ Quarantine Deck5 years ago
Back on the neighbors quarantine deck. A real life saver.
High white head but not thick at all, dissipating quickly. Very strong lime aroma. Color is a medium dark yellow, crystal clear. Has a very light and smooth texture. Flavor is a sour lime, piney, probably the juniper, with just a hint of bitterness. Actually reminds me of a cerveza with a squeeze of lime. The juniper is what sets it apart. Different, better than a Corona, it's okay.