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All-thumbs Double Green-thumb IPA 6.8%, Garden Brewers, Canada
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All-thumbs Double Green-thumb IPA
6.8% Imperial IPA / Double IPA
We fumbled this one. We had intended to re-brew our Green-Thumb, but had some problems along the way. A game-day decision was made: If this beer was going to be different, then by god, let's make it really different! We decided to go off-book and add a whole bunch of Cascade hops to an extended whirlpool. We then dry hopped with even more Cascade, as well as extra Ginger. Since we were undeniably clumsy with this batch of Green-Thumb, and it has a greatly increased bitterness and intensity, we decided to call it: "All-Thumbs"! If you tried Green-Thumb and thought "Not enough Ginger" or "Not enough hops" then this is the brew for you!
IBU : 80
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