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Cake & Comfort 11.9%, Brouwerij de Molen, Netherlands
2 notes
Cake & Comfort
11.9% Imperial Stout


Post author: Mika A
Mika A
@ De Bierliefhebber
4 years ago
Lähes musta, niukka vaahto. Tuoksu muistuttaa hivenen etäisesti tonkapapua, kitkerää männynoksaa, esanssia ja liköörimäistä makeutta. Maussa tämän kaiken muun epämiellyttävyyden vie uudelle tasolle punaviiniä muistuttava ja pistävän karvas jälkimaku. Eikä siinä vielä kaikki. Alkoholia on ja sen maistaa. Hyh. Huonoin de molen heittämällä.

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ De Bierliefhebber
5 years ago
Cake & Comfort, Netherlands
This sounds interesting. Woodford reserve barrel-aged Imperial stout with Brandy, cake and caramel aroma! Let the Friday begin. Also, new beer in Pint Please. Bottle. Bottled on 12.11.2019 Temperature: +13 C Dark brown beer with a small, short-lived head. Although, some of the foam stays at the edges for a long period of time. The texture is quite thick: 4/5 The aroma is this beer is very strong! You don't even have to put your face next to the glass to find what's in this: lots of brandy, cake, and caramel aromas. Like a chocolate cake with some brandy in it. Delicious. The barrel doesn't smell very strongly, but rather adds something extra to the beer. Nice, dessert-like aroma: 4,25/5 Mouthfeel is medium-full. Alcohol warmth is clearly there. Bitterness is weird. Also, this has some sort of essence feel. That's just nasty: 1,75/5 Sadly, there's essence flavor in this one as well. Yak... And I'm really not sure if brandy aroma and real bourbon is that good of a mix. Especially when that bourbon is only extremely mildly here. Alcohol tastes through the other flavors. Noooooooo, this is just all over the place: 3/15 Well, shit. That was unexpected. The aroma is sooo good but the taste is just plain nasty. This is almost undrinkable. Doesn't even taste like real, just all essence. Definitely, and by far, the worst beer I've ever have from De Molen: 4/20 =17/50